Avatar Animations shortcuts for Max
Don't know how to answer the question because the scope python is the python file. Your gonna need a coder for that one.
the info I got to set up the scope came from here and here

as far as the second question go for it just change the version number and post a small description of what you added

I never did figure out the door but my next version (what ever number its gonna be) is gonna have adjustments to the animations and and a few ladders unless somebody beats me to it.

eventually we can set it up like a supply room for age writers

So yeah add stuff this is just some of the stuff I was able to figure out that I thought would be most usefull
The Optimist says the glass is half full, The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
Its the Realist who knows its full, half with air, half with water

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RE: Avatar Animations shortcuts for Max - by Karkadann - 10-11-2014, 04:55 PM

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