Avatar Animations shortcuts for Max
Karkadann, this is great...you're doing something that's been on my own to-do list for over a year now!

I'll be happy to help where I can, as soon as I have some time away from work.

I can't help you with the sdl issues. And, unless you are making some new functionality that did not exist before, I guess I don't understand why you need to make new avvie animations rather than calling the existing ones?

I assume you're creating - as I had intended to do - a Max version of the Agefile associated with the longstanding and very helpful Blender animations list - the file that is linked within this page?

However, I'm pretty good with animation, so if you do need some help with custom avvie animations, maybe I could assist there?

And, as far as sounds go: I think the KI pedestals are all uniform in their sound, so for instance a properly-set-up sound region could be included with the file for such an asset.

Let me know if you need anything to have the Max file hosted here, okay?

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RE: Avatar Animations shortcuts for Max/Plasma Coming Soon - by Emor D'ni Lap - 08-30-2014, 01:15 PM

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